Membership Types
CT SOPHE membership includes discounted fees for CT SOPHE’s Annual Conference and other training, local opportunities to obtain CHES credits, access to the quarterly CT SOPHE Newsletter, local public health job postings and much more!
A health educator who meets one or more of the following is eligible for both National and CT SOPHE membership:
Holds a graduate or undergraduate degree from a formal health education program
Functions or is employed in a health education capacity
Is a faculty member of a health education program
Student membership is open to students who are enrolled in a health education program. The application must be accompanied by a current transcript or proof of enrollment in a health-related field. Members qualify for student rates for up to one year after graduation.
Organizational membership allows up to 4 free CT SOPHE memberships for employees. All 4 employees will be on the CT SOPHE listserv to receive our quarterly Newsletters. Organizations will also receive a free vendor table at our Annual Conference and will be listed in conference materials.
Make a lasting impact on a student's academic journey by becomming a sponsor. With your sponsorship, you'll support a student's membership for an entire year, providing them access to resources, networking/internship opportunities, and professional development. Students remain eligible for sponsorship up to one year after graduation.